Submission Rules
1.) Each Generation must have an adequate # of species to move on.
2.) Each Era lasts 3 Generations.
3.) Each Eon lasts 3-5 eras and ends with a mass extintion.
4.) Geographical event may happen at anytime, so make them adaptable.
5.) All creatures are open to evolve, excluding extinct.
6.) Creatures are adaptable depening on how common they are. ex: least concern - very adapable, criticaly endangered - not very adaptable
7.) Planet starters must state so.
8.) Major changes can only be made after an Era has passed except if it's unicellular.
8.) The following information is
mandtory so it may be copied and pasted into the forum.
Name: (put * next to starter creatures only)
(IMAGE - no bigger than 800 x 600 pixels)
Scientific Name:
Planet: Home world
- Extinct (EX)
- Extinct in the Wild^ (EW)
- Critically Endangered (CR)
- Endangered (EN)
- Vulnerable (VU)
- Near Threatened (NT)
- Least Concern (LC)
^ Only if sentientship exsists
Ancestor: Only direct ancestors please
Habitat: See planet page for habitats
Food Sorce: Must have transitions ( carnivore - omnivore- herbivore)
Make sizes realisic. Microscopic creature have three levels: unicellular, multicellular, photoplankton/zooplakton if in water.
Description: mmust stated how it efects predisesor (made it extint, lowered number of species, exctera exctera...)